Saturday, December 27, 2008

Let My Walk Speak Loud

Nothing closes the heavy wooden double doors of the church as effectively as hypocrisy does. Bang! The door is slammed shut, never to be opened again. The crowd sneers and jeers at the closed doors, and the people turn their backs on the church. "Look!" they say, "And they call themselves Christians."

Nothing is as great a turn-off as hypocrisy is.

Since hypocrisy is pretending to be something you are not, or saying something that you do not actually practice, can we all agree that hypocrisy amounts to deception? You are presenting yourself to be someone you are not! I feel so deceived to hear one speaking so loudly on stage, and yet his actions have such a great discrepancy with his words. Oh, the deception!

I understand that no one is perfect, and Christians are humans too. Christians make mistakes, just like everyone else. No one is excluded from mankind's downfall. But maybe it's time we start practicing what we preach. Or maybe it's time we stop preaching and start living. Let our walks speak louder than our words!

Because our actions can either put a 'Welcome' sign or a 'No Entry!' sign at the gates of Heaven.


Kai Seng said...

is this post "dedicating" to the link of my post??=)
thnx for drop by my site..=)
juz in case u dun c my comment...
(replying urs..)
ithink inoe who is the one that you are talking about...
the pastor is very famous in one of the churches in KL though...
sudah like a superstar d!!=.=''
n ya,ilove your question and my answer is ionly worship Jesus!!

-Δορκας- said...

hmm... not just that. Been thinking and seeing and hearing things too, lately. :-)

Kai Seng said...

iwas told by one of my hozmate who is a CHC member...
s if this pastor is like "smeone" that like a superstar like that...
like the pastor is smeone greater than God or the truth of Scripture??
iwas so sad to hear that...T.T
n imagine when a church service become like a superstar concert like that!!