Monday, July 23, 2007

In stiches

Finally, the 'living skills' I learned in Kemahiran Hidup classes in school came in handy! (I had always been asking why do I have to learn to cook and sew, and do electronic and plumbing works...). I made a hole in one of my casual short pants (not intentionally, mind you) and was forced to patch it up before the hole gets larger. Usually such works are left to my Mum, but God knows why I suddenly decided to do it myself.

As I was sewing (manually!), I commended myself for being so clever. Once in a while, I stopped to admire my sewing (not that it's very brilliant). It took me about 15 minutes to finish the sewing (phew!). Then I took one final look at my 'masterpiece', but it looked kinda weird. The stitches are nice (tq!), but it somehow looked weird.

The next day I told Mum about it and she asked if I turned the pants inside out before sewing it, and I went, "Oh, no wonder it looked so weird!" and we were both left in stitches! So much for being 'clever'......


Anonymous said...

Oh, nevermind! At least u tried sewing your pants by yourself without your mum's help. Maybe it was your first time sewing since your high school days! Dun need to blame yourself. Anyway, it was a good try! Next time, can try again if got similar problem.

child_of_God said...

hehe...yeah...learn from mistakes i guess..;)