Saturday, August 4, 2007

Driving out the True Colours

Have you ever met a person who is usually gentle, seemingly polite and nice turning ugly the moment they get behind the wheel? (what wheel? obviously not the wheel of fortune!) Well, I've heard of stories, of people started cursing and swearing the moment they get their DL, (demonic license... oops! I meant driver's license). It is as though when they get their driver's license, it gives them a pass to show their true colours. I didn't believe such nonsense. After all, there are courteous and patient drivers on the road who are not affected by the spell. (Err... or are there?)

On second thought, maybe perhaps there are people who are forced to turn ugly because of the inconsideration of other road users, BUT i vow that I will never ever allow myself to be one of them. I started off well, I must say: drove really slow, really careful, let others go first even though I have first priority etc... Then, the longer I hold on to my DL, the uglier I became. Unconsciously or subconsciously, I started scolding the other road users for not allowing me to go first, for not being considerate, for cutting my queue. "What the heck...?!" "You own the road is it!?" Thank goodness the four-letter word is not out... yet. (what were you thinking? I meant "D-U-M-B"!) It is as though they can ever hear a single word I say, and if they do, as though they ever mind them.

Guess it is inevitable to turn ugly, huh? Well, at least I'm still holding a PDL (pre-demonic license) and not the CDL (confirmed demonic license). Anyway, so long as they don't bang into my car, I guess it is really none of my business. After all, there is nothing I can do to make them become more considerate drivers, is there? And with all the corruption involved in passing incompetent drivers (people who can hardly start the engine) and issuing them a license to kill, I guess this scenario is here to stay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, drivers nowadays are pretty impolite whenever they drive on the road. They tend to cut queues and not allowing us to go first. Sometimes, i do get fed up with these kind of drivers. I would really get annoyed with them. But, then i think, what's the use? There's no point scolding them cuz they wouldn't listen to us. So, i just have to remain patient and just try to protect my car from being hit by these drivers.

We just have to do our own part on the road. We dun need to care about other drivers and what they think. We, who are probationary drivers, just have to follow the road rules and avoid accidents. We can try to be courteous drivers.