Thursday, August 2, 2007

Being childlike

I'm back at home now, BLOGGING!, at 12.30pm++. Isn't that just amazing?! But I do have to return to college later this evening for the BBQ Nite (of which I am not at all thrilled). Well, if I can only come back home this early every single day... Life will be a paradise! (O dear, the sloth in me is surfacing!). Anyway, I could have gotten back home earlier (like 12pm), but some *ugh!* prevented me from doing so.... sigh... let's not dwell on this subject. After all, this is not the main subject of my post today. (Well, I still wish to be able to reach home early everyday. And if my mum can be at home to welcome me back, I will declare that "LIFE IS SO SWEET!". It is kinda pathetic to came back home to an empty house sometimes, you know. Of course, on the other hand, I do cherish the solitude)

Anyway, as I was walking back home from the LRT station, I saw kids from the kindergarten behind my house. They had just finished their classes too. Then I saw this little girl and her grandmother (I think it's granny 'coz she looks old) walking in my direction. I really like kids, especially those who don't cause a fuss. So, I thought maybe I could just give her a friendly smile. After all, she must be living somewhere nearby and hence, is also considered to be my neighbour. As they were approaching, all these thoughts went through my mind: what is the extent of my smile (like, a bright smile exposing my teeth, a regularly normal smile or just a curve of the lips), should I look them in the eye, will I look stupid etc... But before I knew it, they were right in front of me. I just smiled, not knowing how I did it, but knowing that I just did it. Then the most amazing thing happened-- the little girl just flashed me her brightest, most natural and most brilliant smile while waving her hand to me! "Shame on you, gal!"

It came like a smack on my cheek. *smack!* We grown-ups often think we know best, we know more and we make the best decision "for the good of all" (isn't this just what our parents say?). Well, it is true we know more. In fact, we know too much. Even when it comes to simple things like everyday greetings, we must weigh the pros and cons of it, to make the "best decision". Hence, even at instances like these, we stop to think what to do and how to do it. "Should I smile to a passer-by? But I don't know him. What if he thinks I am crazy?" After all, isn't this just what we think of the strangers who smiled at us voluntarily? Then, we check ourselves to see whether or not we forgot to zip up, or we wore our T-shirts inside out. After realising all is fine, we come to the conclusion that it is either the other guy has sinister intentions, or he is plain crazy, just out of his mind.

It is no wonder why God says that the Kingdom of God belongs to these little ones. If we'd been given an offer to take a glimpse of the heavenly Kingdom or asked to inherit the Kingdom, we'll probably say that the image of heaven has been digitally altered and that God has other sinister plans. After all, there can't be free lunches offered so freely. Indeed, we know too much, but that does not necessarily means that we make the best decision.

If every living person has the mind of that little girl, the world will indeed be a nice place to dwell in. Wars will be resolved, everybody will be economically well off, the talks on free-trade will not be dragged on and on because each party is considering his own advantage. And above all, we will see everyone smiling to everyone one the street, despite not knowing the other person's name, despite the fact that they have never met, despite the possibility that flashing a smile to a stranger may look ridiculously stupid and despite the difference of skin colour. It will indeed be a haven on earth! It is time we adults learn a precious lesson from these little ones.


Anonymous said...

Wow, since u can reach home quite early almost everyday, u should be very happy about it. Compared to me, i reach home about 4 pm everyday except Wednesdays.

Yea, it's true that the world will be a better place to live if every person has the mind of the little girl. We adults and teenagers always will think that we make the best decisions for everyone else's good. It's not necessary wrong to think that people will have an impression that we are crazy if we smile to strangers on the streets, as we have never met them before. We would have to think carefully before making the "best decision".

It's true that the kingdom of God belongs to the little ones. The little ones are God's precious ones.

Btw, hope u enjoy ur BBQ Nite in college tonight!!! See ya!

yvonne said...

=D let us all smile

alvink said...

weh, since when you had a blog and didn't link me laaaaaaa? =P

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