Sunday, December 30, 2007

as the clock ticks....

As the clock ticks, it seems as though it is ticking ever so slowly. I was told that there is joy in waiting. Because the best is still yet to come. Because what lies ahead is far better than what is. Because there is also joy and excitement to be discovered in this period of anticipation. Above all, because the subject of all my anticipation is definitely worth anticipating!

Of course, this is easier said than done, as in most cases. Seeing others having found and was found sure makes me wonder when will it be my turn, or will it ever....

Then other questions keep pouring in. What if I stumble upon one? What will I do? Wait a minute... how do I know the right one in the first place? Because I, for one, do not believe in casualness. It's all or nothing!

Yet, there is a part of me hidden deep within that secretly longs for momentary satisfaction. Even just a spark of the moment will be sufficient.

Then I turn around and condemn myself for the folly of being overcome by a passion of the moment.

I guess the time will come... someday. As the clock continues to tick, there is nothing much to be done, since there is no way to make it tick faster. I can sure adjust the clock by screwing the back of it, but then, that would be cheating. Worse still, I would have been cheating myself! How totally absurd that will be...

So, I guess, this is the time of patient anticipation, of fervent and wise prayers and of much needed growth.


child_of_God said...

thanks for the comment on my blog! lolz. wow...this is an abstract post...:P we shall apply the concepts of interpretation we learned in literature to decipher the meaning. Lolz. Just crapping. :P but abstract post. I dunno if I got the meaning but u can always correct me if I am wrong. Lolz. U can always ask me what my thoughts are but I think they are crap. :P lolz.

Y said...

Humans.. anticipate what is to come but ignore what is already here.



-Δορκας- said...

crap or no crap, I sure would like to hear your thoughts... but don't post it here though. e-mail me!

Anonymous said...

i am thinking so much im getting confused =S
thats what writers do they confuse. haha. kidding.

-Δορκας- said...

confused? hmm...

esthery said...

dorcas! esther yap here..i was browsing and reading some of ur posts...i love this one =) and i'm sure the time will come. for some it is quick, but the longer god makes u wait, the greater the blessing he has in store for u..=) wish we talked more..i'll cya back in mas soon!