Thursday, January 3, 2008

News Year!!

It's new year, and we already have the news of the year (if not video of the year)! Scandals! Interesting.... but not exactly the best way to welcome the new year though. And so very near election too! Let us get on our knees and pray very fervently for Malaysia.

Indeed, a very precious object lesson taught by the Health Minister: Kids, stay clean! Stay very CLEAN! Unfortunately, it's a very costly one too... Well, lesson learned and lesson taught. What more can be said?

However, in the midst of all these, let us not ignore the other lesson that is also to be learned: Own up and face the consequences! Although I cannot help but to express my disappointment and disapproval, I must say that credit has to be given to him for his courage to confess, his guts to admit fault, and his bravery to bear whatever consequences that come his way.

So, let us rest our case against him and allow him to silently find his way out of this mess. After all, the lesson is broadcasted loud and clear enough for all to hear and learn.

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