Wednesday, October 3, 2007

About Turn

Yesterday, as I turned on the radio while having lunch, it was playing Cat Steven's "Morning Has Broken". It is such a beautiful song, that I decided to seize this chance and just enjoy the music as it is, regardless of the memories it triggered. As I turned on the radio for some company while studying, again the same song was being played, and the most peculiar thing was that, this song was again brought to my attention when I checked my inbox the same night; my brother sent me a beautiful mail with this song playing in the background. Whenever I listen to this song, it never fails to trigger grief and sorrow within me for the person who sang this song-- Cat Stevens a.k.a Yusuf Islam.

For those of you who have not heard of him, Cat Stevens was an icon in the music industry back in the 70's or 80's. He sang many of the songs with which we are familiar today, among them are "Morning Has Broken" and "Father And Son", which is one of my favourites. However, some years back, at what was purportedly his last concert, he announced that he had converted to Islam and had changed his mane to Yusuf Islam. Since then, he has stepped out of the secular entertainment world. After the 911 incident, he was denied access into his own country because of his religion and has since become a prominent figure in the world of international relations, as he became an ambassador to reconcile the West and the Middle East.

"Morning Has Broken" is not an unfamiliar song in churches, at least not in mine. We sing it as one of the hymns, and one certainly cannot deny the beauty of the lyrics. It is so full of praise for the ultimate Creator who gave us life. It truly saddens me to think of what has become of the person who sang it so beautifully. He made an about turn, and turned his back on the one true God whom he so adored before. Did he not find fulfillment in Jesus Christ? Does Islam really fill the gap within every soul, and his, that longs to be filled with something from the divine? Or was his about turn a result of something else?

He was disappointed by the way he was treated by other Christians. They do not practise what they preach. At least so I heard. As to its authenticity, I cannot ascertain. But one thing I do know: there were people who were turned away while in search of the truth, because people who claimed to be Christians were not practising what they preach.

Hypocrisy, indeed.... one of the 'defects' in the church which Paul had highlighted in one of his letters. In fact, calling it a defect is an understatement. Defects can be easily mended, and minor defects will not even have a significant effect. Instead, they often go unnoticed. Hypocrisy is more like an epidemic, a deadly virus, like SARS or the Bird Flu; it spreads quickly, and affects not only those in close proximity, but its effects are extended even to those who are on the outside. How sad! Sad, but true!

Over time, we see how hypocrisy affects the church, we also recall times when we ourselves are affected and pissed off by the hypocrisy of others. Well, I myself have certainly experienced it. Yet, I do not think this issue has been effectively addressed. Christians are still living in their make-believe paradise, oblivious to the watching eyes of outsiders. We are often the target of close monitoring by the world. Why? Because we preach a much needed message of love and care, yet it is one that is incomprehensible to the rest of the world. So, they are looking at us for some substantial acts that truly substantiate what we preach. However, time and again, we have disappointed them.

I do not know what effect the story of Cat Stevens has on you, but it certainly makes me want to change the way I have been conducting myself, so that my life reflects the message of love that Christianity bears. We may pray for Cat Stevens and hope that he will make another about turn, but faith is accompanied with actions. The change that needs to take place is the change in our lives, the change in the definition we give to the word 'Christian'. I cannot bear to have another Cat Stevens a.k.a Yusuf Islam in the world. I have more than enough grief already. Besides that, we never know the extent of the effect Stevens' conversion has on the world at large, after all, he was an icon.

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