Monday, January 21, 2008


Moving into 2008 has been, well, a little traumatic for me, as I'll be turning twenty this year. Okay, I am being a lil' dramatic, but then again, the thought of turning twenty kinda haunts me, although I am still about ten months away from actually being twenty. Just imagine, my age now starts with the number 2! Is that scary or what... Okay, I am dramatic!

The beginning of a new year means making resolutions. Everyone seems to be still talking about it although we are almost one month into 2008 already. I used to make them too, but some time back, I quited making resolutions for the simple reason of not being able to follow them through. Not so much because I did not have the determination, but because very often, along the way, my plans have to be changed because He has a different plan for me. So, I just quit setting goals for myself and await to be surprised by God instead. And if I have to eliminate some bad habits, I guess I don't have to wait for a new year to do so. Everyday is a new beginning!

But since I'll be twenty this year, I guess I must have some long-term goals. Not so much of a goal goal, but more of a dream or an ambition, or whatever you wanna call it. It's just a word after all. Maybe in other words, they are just the things that I wanna do before I am thirty.

1. Serve on MV Doulos! My parents think that I wouldn't be able to survive there...

2. Step out of the familiar to explore the world.... Hopefully I'll get to do this come August!

3. Do something crazy for Jesus!! Like adopting a kid or helping a stranger, maybe?

4. Do something extreme! Anyone in for bungee jumping?

5. Find that someone amazing.

...... and last but not least: Be nice. Scratching your head? Well, when you come to think of it,
being nice is not so easy after all! Well I sure hope it doesn't take me the next ten years to achieve this last one.


Y said...

I still set goals for myself from time to time, and the stack has grown pretty high now.

I think, it is important to have a goal-/purpose- driven life, whether or not plans will be changed due to conditions or changes encountered at any time in future.

- yc

Anonymous said...

Making resolutions was never something common in my life. But, when i do make them, i seldom fulfill it. Maybe it's time to be more serious whenever i am committing to do something that i planned out at the start of each year.

Your dreams are quite realistic, and I believe that your goals are achievable and they are not impossible to be done.

But, God has a purpose in everything He does and we just need to obey His plan for us.