Thursday, June 25, 2009


Just a little bragging (and sharing!). I went through 5 books this summer (so far!). Good reads they are!

1. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
2. Why? by Vernon Brewer
3. The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey (Great book! Very refreshing. Highly recommended!)
4. To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee (Another amazing book!)
5. What's So Amazing about Grace? by Philip Yancey (Highly recommended!)

Well, if you haven't already realised, I am very proud of myself! It's nice catching up on some reading for pleasure.

PS: Oh, did I mention that I am currently on Baker Street with Sherlock Holmes?


child_of_God said...

ah!! sherlock holmes!!! my favourite!!! :P

Sam said...

as usual...