Professor: The Creator
Class time: Every waking moment
Course ObjectiveThe main objective of this class to allow students to get to know the Creator. This course is also designed to give students the opportunity to make the best of the talents that the Creator has bestowed on each individual and to make full use of the time that the Creator has given to them.
PrerequisitesNo prerequisites required, as students are picked out of the dirt, literally.
TextbooksThere are no required textbooks for this course, as the coursework and lesson plan are exclusively unique for each student.
Recommended reference material: Holy Bible. Please be aware that this is not a direct generic solution manual for the coursework involved in this class, but careful and deep study of this material will greatly assist you to succeed in this class.Attendance PolicyFull attendance is required to pass. Failure to achieve perfect attendance will result in your failing this class.
Coursework- Assignments: Generally, there will be three (3) major assignments, each given at a different stage throughout the course of this class.
Assignment #1. Childhood: Students are expected to demonstrate obedience to authority.
Assignment #2. Teenage: Students are expected to demonstrate submission to authority when authority is placed over them, and the ability to take responsibility is also expected of students when they are given freedom.
Assignment #3. Adulthood: Students are held accountable for everything and everyone under their care and authority. Students will have to answer for their actions at the end of this course.
- Tests: There will be numerous tests during the course of this class. Tests will not be announced ahead of time. It is the student's responsibility to be prepared at all times.
*Please take note that the coursework for each student differs. This is only a general guideline. Some may have less assignments and more tests.Grading RubricThe final grade for this class is taken collectively from the assignments and tests. In order to pass this class, one must acknowledge the Creator and all that He has done.
Grade A: Have a personal relationship with the Creator; Fulfilled the Creator's will; Left behind a legacy.
Grade B: Have a personal relationship with the Creator; Fulfilled the Creator's will.
Grade C: Merely acknowledged the Creator and all that He has done.
Grade F: Failed to acknowledge Creator and all that He has done.
Extra CreditThere are countless extra credit opportunities throughout the course of this class, but they will not be announced in class. It is the student's responsibility to take note and recognise these opportunities.
Have fun taking LIFE 101!!